Volunteer/Executive Participation Needed!!, News (St. George Minor Hockey)

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Apr 08, 2018 | jjohnstone | 933 views
Volunteer/Executive Participation Needed!!
For an organization or association to run as successfully as ours, participation is required by volunteers who would typically come from the friends and families that our association would serve.  We are now reaching out once more to gather volunteers for the coming season to assist with many functions such as coaching, team staff, executive, committees, etc.. 

We have attached a flyer: How_can_I_help_with_Minor_Hockey

that summarizes "Team" and "Association" functions and their estimated time commitments.  For those that already volunteer with the association, you would find that they would agree that volunteering is not only rewarding, but , it is also a fun way of networking with the rest of the community, fellow parents, coaches, existing executive members, etc..

We would ask that you review our flyer and consider joining the volunteer ranks.  If you are interested, please attend our Annual General Meeting on May 14, 2018 at 7:00pm at the South Dumfries Arena; or bring it to the attention of any current executive member. 