Apr 24, 2018 | rdelaney | 1280 views
Colour House BAll Hockey Tournament
On April 28 we are going to hold our third annual Colour House Ball Hockey Tournament. For those of you who are not familiar with Colour House, what we do is split each division (IP, Novice, Atom etc) into 4 colour coded teams. These teams are randomly selected from our registration list and will be posted on the day of the event. We are hosting the event at our arena. Some things that you need to know are as follows.
Please accept my apologies for the late notice.
Schedule for Ball Hockey Games
IP 11am - Noon
Novice Noon - 1pm
Atom 1pm - 2pm
Peewee 2pm - 3pm
Bantam 3pm - 4pm
Midgets are invited to come out and coach, referee help with the skills challenge and be time keepers. We really need their help and involvement throughout the day.
Each Colour team, within their division will play three 15 minute games against the other colours (blue, red, yellow, green). Games will be played half ice.
Points will be awarded for each win a colour team gets.
A small prize will be awarded to each player in the winning colour house team.
Rules and Requirements for the Ball Hockey Tournament:
All players will be required to wear equipment to play. The required equipment is as follows, Helmet with full face cage, shin pads, elbow pads, hockey gloves and jock as a minimum. You are welcome to wear additional equipment if you feel comfortable. Athletic attire and athletic footwear (non-marking soles) should be worn. Bring your own hockey stick.
We will not be using goalies, so if you are a goalie this is your chance to show your skills outside of the net. We will be using boards on the nets with target holes in them.
Please have all players at the arena at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of their division.
Slap shots are not permitted and sticks are not to be raised above waist level.
Body contact and body checking is not permitted.
All other hockey rules will apply.
There will be a face off to start each game but after that the play will continue until the end. When a goal is scored the team that scored will give the other team half the playing area before defending or attacking.
This is a safe and fun event and unsportsmanlike and dangerous behaviour will not be tolerated.
Players will be penalized for all regular penalties.
The volunteer officials will make the calls for goals, penalties and play stoppages and they will be respected.
We will be playing 4 on 4 with regular changes.
Games will be 15 minutes in length. Each colour within their division (eg. Atom) will play three 15 minute games.
Points will be awarded based on the end result - Win = 2 points, Tie = 1 point, Loss = 0 points.
The Skills competition will take place throughout the day, as mentioned before, and points will be awarded to each colour house based on top results from each division IP through to Bantam.
We will have snacks available for purchase through out the day with proceeds going directly to St. George Minor Hockey.
Food will again be provided by the Lions Club for the players and coaches. Parents and siblings can purchase food items and help support the Lions and their fundraising efforts, of which our association was a recipient. The change for this year is that food will be served prior to the awards presentations starting at 4:00 pm. We encourage all players and families to come out and enjoy the Lion's food truck fare and support our teams and players for the awards presentations.
The awards portion of the day will start at 5pm and go until completed.
There will be a prize for the colour house team with the most points accumulated through out the day.
We hope to see everyone come out and have some fun.