Hello Hockey Season!, News (St. George Minor Hockey)

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Sep 11, 2019 | Meghann Gibson | 919 views
Hello Hockey Season!
So, it is feeling a lot like hockey season (and it isn’t official even here until October 1st!) I want to thank everyone that participated in the fun skates over the past few weeks.  I saw a lot of great skating and hope everyone now has sorted out all of their equipment by making sure it all fits, to get ready for the year!

Our bottle tournament was a great success last weekend, we raised $1096.40!  Thank you to all who participated in posting fliers, picking up, driving, sorting bottles and those that emptied all those bottles, we could not have done it without you.  Now the scorekeeping team will work to get the new iPad’s we purchased into service!

A few notes:

·         Saturday September 14th - Jen Koops will be at the arena for the day collecting any outstanding fees

·         Parent packages will be handed out over the next week – these will include:

o    Parent Passes

o   Fundraising forms for Elmira Chicken and Little Caesars,

o   Picture Day Forms - this will take place on and around September 28th watch for the exact schedule on the website and

o   Swag Order Forms

o   Acknowledgement Forms for Rowan’s Law – A Concussion Awareness initiative to ensure that players at all levels understand the risks and signs of concussions.  Your coaches will speak more to this in the upcoming parent meetings.

·         Please remember our main source of communication is the websitewww.stgeorgegenerals.ca you can find announcements, schedules and coach information on it.  Check out the following link to have this information sent directly to your inbox or phone: https://stgeorgegenerals.ca/Articles/2270/How_to_subscribe_to_team_notes_and_schedule_changes/  or https://stgeorgegenerals.ca/Articles/2304/How_to_subscribe_to_team_calendars_and_schedule_changes/ to link your teams calendar to your calendar

Over the next week and a half, we will be finalizing our teams as Rep tryouts are occurring, which will allow rosters and schedules to be finalized, and we appreciate your patience and support. 

As always if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out

GO Generals GO!!


(519) 770-2718

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