Sep 22, 2019 | Meghann Gibson | 1158 views
Parent Packages **EDITED**
Over the past week Parent Packages have been handed out to mostly everyone. Within them are a few important items and with that a few important notes:
- Parent Passes - each family will have received 2 parent passes, these are to be used to get into home games at the St. George arena during the regular season. If you loose or damage your card, replacement cards can be obtained from Jen Koops for $5.
- Rowan's Law Forms - THANK YOU to all of those that have signed and submitted the forms on Rowan's Law - Concussion awareness. If you have not submitted them please scan and email a copy to [email protected]
- Picture Day - Saturday September 28th will be photo day, please bring your filled out forms for the following teams:
- Elmira Chicken and Pizza Pizza Forms - Order forms can be dropped off next weekend to the swag table, or any time to your parent Rep or directly to Jen Koops. They submitted by October 4th.
- September 22-28th is Coaches Week, take a moment to thank your coaches for volunteering their time to allow you the opportunity to play hockey