Return to Hockey, News (St. George Minor Hockey)

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Feb 12, 2021 | Meghann Gibson | 1019 views
Return to Hockey
With the announcement today of Brant County returning to Orange, we are excited to let you know that the arena is reopening this coming Tuesday February 16th and we get to go back to playing hockey!!

Starting Tuesday, we will provide each age group with at least one practice to get back into the grove then get back to games – Burford is just as excited as us to resume playing!  Teams, ice times and protocols will be the same as when we stopped in December. 

Since we are in Orange one parent/guardian may accompany each player into the arena, masks are required while in the building, the Brant county QR code survey will be required for everyone entering the arena and the players are required to fill out the OHF survey on our website within 6 hrs of their ice time.

As before, we will need support at the door to greet the players and help assign change rooms and timekeepers starting later in the week, so if you can volunteer for at least 1 hr over the next few weeks, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sign up sheets can be found

Check the website for ice times, they will be added as ice, coaches, Burford teams and Refs are confirmed, over the coming days.

The Executive will be actively working to get everything back up and running this weekend but restarting from a stop is never easy, so we ask for your patience and support to make this coming week a success.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the arena soon!

SGMH Executive

Meghann, Leanne, Ryand, Shelley, Tim, Steve, Katie, Dan, Derek and Justin
