Welcome to the 2024/25 Hockey Season!, News (St. George Minor Hockey)

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Sep 06, 2024 | Justine Timmermans | 323 views
Welcome to the 2024/25 Hockey Season!
Welcome to the 2024/25 Hockey Season!

The SGMHA Executive would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new and returning families, coaches, and volunteers. We trust that you are all as excited as we are to kick off the hockey season. Our volunteers have been hard at work putting together what is sure to be a fun filled and rewarding season.

The hockey season will be in full motion within the next couple of weeks. Paired with the start of school, this can be an especially hectic time of year. As such, we have been working on providing all the relevant information that you will need on our website. Please check the St. George Generals Website regularly for information, schedules and announcements. You will also find important links to things like ongoing fundraisers, our online store (to be opened soon) where you’ll find Generals Team and Fan Wear, links to important Association policies, as well as contacts for SGMHA Executive members. Also, don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook and Instagram. Tag your team pics @stgeorgegenerals – we love to receive your game and tournament updates to post and share!

This season we have chosen to combine our U6 and U7 teams. This will make player movement more fluid as lots of development tends to occur during these formative years.

Please join us in thanking all the volunteers that have offered to coach our teams this season. They will provide our players with fun, engaging and meaningful practices and a great hockey experience!

We are looking for more volunteers to fill out vacancies on our executive, as well as volunteers to join a Tournament Committee, which will work together to plan and implement our 3 tournaments we are hosting this season. Please reach out to any executive member if you would like to help!

Your executive this season consists of:


President: Justin Zimmer

Vice President: Amy Shaw

Past President: Katie Vallee

Treasurer: Melissa Murphy

Secretary and Communications: Justine Timmermans

Equipment and Training Director: Derek Petre


We sincerely hope that this season is filled with great friendships, memories, and a rewarding hockey experience that will lay the foundation for the continued love of this great game. We have lots of exciting surprises planned that we can’t wait to share with you! We’ll see you all at the rink!


Yours in Sport,

The St. George Minor Hockey Association Executive 

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