Sep 11, 2016 | rdelaney | 1504 views
I would like to thank all of the kids who came out to the first try out yesterday. It was great to meet them. I will take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself for those who do not already know me. My name is Ryan Delaney. I have lived in St. George for 11 years and have been involved in St. George Minor hockey for 4 years. I have coached the IP Program, Novice LL and Novice Rep.
I look forward to coach the older age group kids and view this as a new opportunity for me as a coach. I will be finalizing the coaching staff as soon as possible and will be looking for a parent rep to help with team communication and organization. I am also looking for some more players for this season. If there is anyone out there who you think may be interested in playing for our rep team please get them signed up asap. Looking forward to Wednesday night's skate.