Novice Teams Composition, News, Minor Novice (2012), 2019-2020 (St. George Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 29, 2019 | Meghann Gibson | 1198 views
Novice Teams Composition
Hello Novice Families!

It was great to see the large turn out to the first of 3 fun skates that the association is hosting to get everyone back into the swing of hockey.  The next two are scheduled for September 6th and 10th, and the coaches can’t wait to see everyone at them!

Earlier this week, we finally had an opportunity to meet with representatives from all over the area from Dunnville to Landon to Ingersoll to Hespeler, to better understand what the plan is for Major and Minor Novice and what the rules and scheduling are going to look like this year.  Based on the information that we received, we are (finally!) in a position to determine what teams St. George is going to have at the Novice level. 

I am happy to announce that we are going to be having 1 Major Novice Rep team and 2 Novice LL teams.  To determine who will be playing on the Rep team, tryouts will be held starting on September 13th at the St. George Arena (watch the calendar for exact dates and times).  The tryouts are open to anyone that is 7 or 8 (Major or Minor Novice age).  The cost to tryout is $50, to cover the cost of the ice.  If you have registered for Major novice your tryout fee was included with your registration and if you are registered for Minor Novice the fee can be paid on the first night of tryouts.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions

Meghann Gibson

(519) 770-2718

Go Generals Go!

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