Rep Tournament, Jack Tolhurst Memorial Rep Tournament, 2016-2017 (St. George Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
Rep Tournament
This form has a soft limit of 8 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 27 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. Because this is a 'soft limit' you can still submit this form, however, your submission may but put on a waiting list or disregarded.

Team Information

Jersey Colours

NOTE: Please bring both sets of jerseys to the tournament in case of colour conflicts!

Contact Information

By checking the box below, the Team Manager on behalf of his/her team releases any sponsors of the above mentioned tournament, its officials, arena management and all concerned with the tournament, from any liability for any injury or accident which may be incurred by any players or team official while participating in, or coming to, or going from, the tournament and accepts all decisions of the tournament committee as final.

All entries to the tournament are subject to the final approval of the Tournament Committee upon receipt of registration, payment and an approved roster and travel permit.

I understand that current, Approved Hockey Canada Roster must be presented for all players and team officials to participate in the Tournament.

Entry for this tournament will be a first-come, first-served basis.  Teams are not considered accepted in the tournament until payment has been received by St. George Minor Hockey.

After completing this form, please send a cheque payment to:

Dan Phillips
17 Austin Cres.
PO Box 691
St. George, Ontario
N0E 1N0

This form has a soft limit of 8 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 27 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. Because this is a 'soft limit' you can still submit this form, however, your submission may but put on a waiting list or disregarded.