Aug 16, 2019 | rparker | 572 views
The Hockey Season is almost upon us so its time to sharpen our blades and kick the dust off our hockey gear (please god, I hope you washed your gear!)
A couple of items to think about.
1. St. George will be giving the Atom age group two dates to get our feet under us and shake the rust off August 28th and 29th at the Brant Sports Complex in Paris. The times will be circulated soon.
2. Tryouts will be starting for the rep team soon after and I encourage all atom players to make use of these skates to continue to prepare and get ready for your season. I am working with the coaches in Ayr and Paris to add some exhibition games as well so please stay tuned.
Looking forward to seeing everyone around the rink soon. I am excited to get started, The Generals invade the rink soon!!